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On Location with "Out of the Black" |
On August 25, 2000, Out of the Black Productions shot several scenes from this award winning screenplay at Tour-Ed Mine in Tarentum.
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Production crew films a scene in the tunnels of Tour-Ed Mine.
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Miles O'Keeffe gets made up as a coal miner.
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Out of the Black was awarded the 1999 Golden Halo Award for Best Screenplay by The Southern California Motion Picture Council. It is the story of two brothers, Cole and Patrick Malby, and their efforts to solve the death of their father (Miles O'Keeffe). Larger Image
Mike Marsico of Scott Township plays young Cole Malby. Mike has acted in plays; this is his motion picture debut.
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Stunt men relax between takes.
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A scene with Miles O'Keeffe and Mike Marsico.
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Jack Conley (as the mine foreman) shoots Miles O'Keeffe.
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Also filmed at Tour-Ed Mine:
Legacy of King Coal: A History Channel presentation, portions of which were filmed at Tour-Ed Mine.