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March 31, 2025
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Lindane Dump/ALSCO Park Superfund Site
Cleanup Plans
On Wednesday, March 18, 1998, representatives of the EPA hosted a public meeting at the
Harrison Township Municipal Building in Natrona Heights to explain the objectives and projected
timeline of the cleanup of the Lindane Dump/ALSCO Park Superfund Site. The site occupies land
on Springhill road opposite the Harrison Municipal Building.
Representatives of Elf Atochem detailed plans
for the cleanup and addressed the concerns of approximately 50 residents who attended the
meeting. Allegheny Teledyne Corporation, Elf Atochem North America, Inc. and
Harrison Township are potentially responsible parties (PRPs) for the
site. Elf Atochem North America, Inc. is conducting all of the cleanup work
under a Consent Decree with EPA.
Cleanup plans, which are to commence March 31, 1998 and continue for approximately 2 years, include:
Multi-Layer Cap
A multi-layer clay-and-soil cap will be installed over the park and part of
the site's lower project area. The cap will slow the flow of water in the
site's soil, thereby reducing the movement of contents.
Park Facilities
As part of the site cleanup, the existing park facilities will be
dismantled and removed. Then, completely new facilities including two asphalt
tennis courts, two ballfields, a pedestrian walk and a parking lot will be built.
Treatment System
An upgraded leachate and groundwater collection and treatment system
will be installed in a 9,100 square foot building on the southern side
of Karns Road, next to the current interim leachate collection and treatment system.
After the system treats the leachate, the contaminants will be collected and
disposed of in a permitted facility. The treated groundwater will be released
to the Allegheny River. Once the new treatment system is operating, the
interim system that was constructed in 1984 will be dismantled and removed.
Monitoring Program
A monitoring program to make sure the new treatment system and multi-
layer cap are working properly also will be implemented.