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March 31, 2025
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Lindane Dump/ALSCO Park Superfund Site
Q and A
Representatives of Elf Atochem detailed plans
for the cleanup and addressed the concerns of approximately 50 residents who attended the
meeting. Allegheny Teledyne Corporation, Elf Atochem North America, Inc. and
Harrison Township are potentially responsible parties (PRPs) for the
site. Elf Atochem North America, Inc. is conducting all of the cleanup work
under a Consent Decree with EPA.
Will hazardous wastes be exposed during the cleanup?
Doug Loutzenhiser of Elf Atochem explains that no material will be removed from the site.
How stable is the material at the site ?
Doug Loutzenhiser of Elf Atochem describes permanency of capping solution.
Will the Cleanup intrude upon neighboring properties?
Doug Loutzenhiser of Elf Atochem describes 50 to 75 foot buffer zone around site.
What about the railcar full of lindane buried at the site?
Harrison resident Joe Smeltzer inquires about a railcar full of lindane rumored to be buried at the site. Response by Doug Loutzenhiser
Is there a problem with the leachate treament facility?
Harrison resident Joe Smeltzer inquires about problems he claims to have witnessed with the leachate treatment
facility. Response by Doug Loutzenhiser.
Mr Smeltzer lived and played near the site as a child. Presently suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, he blames
the dump for his ailment.